
주노르웨이 대한민국 대사관 채용공고

Editor GoGo
2021-09-22 21:11

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Oslo is seeking a personal assistant to the Ambassador

Embassy Of The Republic Of Korea, Oslo

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Oslo is seeking a personal assistant to the Ambassador. The personal assistant will provide administrative support to the Ambassador and Embassy staff, and other tasks as assigned.

Responsibilities include:

  • Tasks required by the Ambassador
  • Managing the daily/weekly/monthly agenda and arranging meetings and appointments
  • Maintaining effective records and administration
  • Other administrative works

Important Skills

  • Good communication, relationship-building skills.
  • Team-working skills.
  • Organization and time management skills.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Assertiveness.
  • Flexibility.

Basic Qualifications

  • BA or MA in related field
  • Relevant professional experience (must be verifiable)
  • Fluency in both Norwegian and English

Conditions / Benefits

  • Period of Employment : contract renewed annually on condition of mutual agreement
  • Monthly Basic Salary: 30 000 kroner
  • Working hours: Mon-Fri , 08:45~16:15 (lunch hour : 12:00~13:00)


  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Reference Letters (Optional)


  • Stage 1 : 20th September~ 3rd October

ㆍThe applicant submits the aforementioned documents to kornor@mofa.go.kr

ㆍThe E-mail title must be "Personal Assistant to Ambassador_applicant name"

  • Stage 2 : 4rd October~ 10th October

ㆍIf the applicant is qualified, an interview will be scheduled.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

  • Stage 3 : Mid October

ㆍA successful applicant will be provided with an employment offer and a contract.


  • Address : Inkognitogata 3, 0258 Oslo
  • Email: kornor@mofa.go.kr
  • Phone Number: 22 54 70 90

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