
Elliptic Lab-Computer Vision Engineer

Editor GoGo
2020-11-29 20:08

Are you the Computer Vision Engineer we are looking for?

We are looking for a Computer Vision Engineer to join our Algorithm team. In this role you will apply your knowledge of computer vision to improve our gesture recognition products. Your future colleagues are experts in signal processing on embedded devices, machine learning for gesture recognition and systems engineering. We are passionate about our product, the technology behind it and love to share insights and discuss possible improvements.

Our new computer vision engineering will have the opportunity to make a substantial contribution to improving our gesture experiences and the efficiency of our data collection. As you gain experience you will have the opportunity to develop your own role based on your skill set and interests.

Job requirements

  • Work with our Machine Learning team to develop world-class gesture classification products
  • Improve and maintain our camera-based system for collecting data with ground truth labels
  • Apply a systematic approach to solving complex problems,
  • Potentially travel up to 10% of the working time (or more if agreed otherwise) once travel restrictions are lifted

Required experience/skills

  • Master’s in Computer Science, Cybernetics, Physics or equivalent field or experience
  • Knowledge of and experience with computer vision for gesture recognition (e.g. OpenCV)
  • Knowledge of and experience with machine learning frameworks such as Tensorflow and Pytorch is beneficial
  • Understanding of basic signal processing such as time and frequency domain analysis
  • Excellent coding skills in Python, knowledge of C++ and Matlab is beneficial.
  • Knowledge of version control: Git, CVS, SVN or similar
  • Fluent written and oral communication skills in English
  • Apply a systematic approach to solving complex problems
  • Ability to plan work, interface with other engineers, and communicate results effectively

Om arbeidsgiveren

Elliptic Labs is headquartered in Norway with presence in China, South Korea, USA, and Japan. Founded in 2006 as a research spin-off from Norway’s Oslo University, it is now a global enterprise targeting the smartphone, laptop, IoT, and automotive markets. The company’s patented AI software combines ultrasound and sensor-fusion algorithms to deliver intuitive 3D gesture and presence sensing experiences. Its scalable AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform creates software-only sensors that are sustainable, eco-friendly, and already deployed in over 100 million devices. Elliptic Labs is the only software company in the market that has delivered detection capabilities using AI software, ultrasound and sensor-fusion deployed at scale. Elliptic Labs’ technology and IP are developed in Norway and solely owned by the company.

한국에도 사업을 진출한 Elliptic Laboratories가 컴퓨터 비전 엔지니어를 채용중입니다.

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